applications will never stop; one can do little about this. Now it
appears that one is able to do little about any application, even
with the opportunity one has for analysis, comment and protest. Over
the years there has been a change. Once objections were considered seriously and acted upon appropriately: they had a certain potent
sting to them. Now, it seems, governments on all levels have worked
out ways to ensure that any development application can be approved
if the government wants it to be given the nod, no matter what –
come hell or high water. In spite of the number and quality of
objections a development application might receive, if any government
wants to approve a proposal, it will do so. Governments have become
brazen, bold; they know no shame.
The ABC News report on the proposed golf course at Robe, (see below), seems to have
adopted most of the arguments and strategies that have been
formulated over the years to overcome objections, apart from one
strategy that, historically, was the first to be implemented: the
idea of getting supporting statements in favour of the project that
could numerically cancel out the objections. This concept sees the
situation purely as a numbers game – a count of those 'for' and
those 'against': the 'ayes' have it! Given the lack of objective
review and supervision over these processes, the 'ayes' will always
have it. Councillors and other government representatives can, it
seems, always gather sufficient support to ensure victory. This counting game ignores the issues and buries debate in a procedural
strategy that has its own irrelevant distractions and momentum.
other classic concept used to support a development is the argument
that it will bring money into the economy and create jobs. Government
representatives always seek out statistics to manipulate when using
these strategies. "It will be good for the economy" becomes
the refrain. It is almost a threat: stop this project and the
economy, and you, will suffer; let the project be approved and you
might get a job and do well out of it! The report on the Robe golf
course starts with the spruiking of figures.
the past experience with the golf course at Springbrook many years
ago, one instinctively knows that a 'golf course' is never really
just a golf course. The report is headlined 'golf course,' but the
text tells more: there are two international golf courses; a club
house; accommodation; cellar door; wellness centre; wagyu beef farm ;
and an Aboriginal heritage education centre.' Gosh, all under the
title of 'golf course'! This seems a classic developer approach. One
has to ask about the scale, scope and size of all of these extras!
How many hotels? How many apartments? How many condominiums? How much
of anything? What is a 'wellness centre'? All of this seems to have
been left dangling as it was with the Springbrook application. Why do
governments not insist on matters being totally explicit? Do they
![]() |
Just golf? |
there is one thing that will not be built at Robe: the abalone farm.
One remains cynical: was everything possible pushed into the original
application just so as to be able to be seen to drop something, as
though it might be viewed as a 'responsible' response to the objections; to
give the impression that one might be listening and caring? How can
such a clutter of different interests and uses ever be described as a
golf course? Surely 'licensed golf resorts for 'x' number of people
with an adjacent farm with 'y' number of cattle' might give a better
idea of the true size and intent of the operation? Still, one has to
ask about what might be planned for the future! Disguising the true
intent seems to be a strategy that most development applications
adopt. One has to wonder about the advice given by governments to
prospective developers. Has a government ever rejected a development
because of the inadequacy of the application? One Council has said that it prefers to
help developers so that better outcomes are achieved, rather than
returning poor applications to be improved! Why? What is government's
role? There has been the occasion where the approving government
officer was also the one offering advice to the developer both
privately, and as a consultant listed in the application! If these
games are known, why are governments doing so little to try to stop
them? Why are quality applications not insisted upon as a matter of
course? Why do governments not just send inadequate applications back
for more and better objective information? Surely new and explicit
rules for development applications could manage these seemingly subversive tricks?
developer usually always tells everyone of the research effort that
has gone into the application; that no stone has been left unturned
in the many, many years that have been spent developing the project and in
preparing the application. The inference is that everything has been
carefully managed and controlled. The Robe application apparently
says this. One has to ask: why, if this might be so, are developments
left so vague on many matters? Why does it look as though matters are
being concealed?
has become a cliché that objectors will always raise environmental
and cultural matters, making real issues appear as a joke. The comic
frequently quotes the 'rare and endangered brown spotted frog,' and
the aboriginal 'secret business site' that the development will
destroy, such is the frequency of these objections. In spite of this
demeaning mockery - maybe because of it? - development applications are always able to 'manage' these issues. The Robe application report
tells of 'Aboriginal midden sites.' These have apparently all have
been identified and will not be touched by the development. 'Rare
frog' country likewise usually gets this treatment: one envisages one
lone observed frog sitting in a two-metre pond surrounded by
apartment blocks. Any similar issue, so it seems, is handled in the
same way: it can be left isolated and untouched, as if this was a
solution. Matters meaningful in development applications have no broader, inclusive context other
than being there as a thing, an impediment that can be left, surrounded by the
development if it cannot be removed. The development is rarely modified or moved.
That the frog might require more than a small parcel of land, and that the
midden is only itself, having nothing to do with landscape and
location, are assumptions that get glossed over as if the idea of
unique isolation might be true; that 'fencing it off' or relocating it might always be
the answer. It is highly likely that the opposite is so – that
context is critical to place and its values; that the region is
critical to matters environmental and cultural. That the rational
mind might argue that everything of value will be 'untouched,' is a
concept that relies on a very limited and 'practical' understanding
of what a thing or context is.
never appear to want to think or ask about things too much. Theirs is
a world of fact. We are frequently told about 'the real world' they
live in, that suggests the fantasy and 'unreal' world that others who
disagree occupy. The 'real' world is the world of dollars and cents.
It sees everything in this calculated manner. If a cultural item is
so significant, then it can be moved, relocated in order to allow the
development to occur. If there are going to be 'cultural' losses,
then this situation can be balanced with cultural gains. It is the
'for and against' calculation yet again. Sometimes money is involved;
jobs too, and education. Here at Robe we see the 'Aboriginal heritage
education centre' listed as one of the facilities in the proposal:
yes, both 'heritage' and 'education' will be cared for on the golf
course site! The name sounds big, but what is it? Where? How big? Why?
Who is going to maintain it? For how long? There are many unknowns:
c.f. the museum in Sunland's Hadid scheme: see -
It all has the feeling of one handing out lollies to children to
succour favour. In some cases it looks like a set of good words to
cajole approving Councillors: see -
there is final argument: "Why are you so precious about this place? -
after all, this was all once land cleared for grazing; it is all
regrowth. The development will return it to 'pristine' land (even as
a golf course)." The inference seems to be that others have buggered
the place up: "It is full of weeds" that we will remove!
The developer will be the one to save it, with his development: golf
courses, accommodation, farms, etc. One soon discovers that development applications use words cleverly; perhaps too cleverly.
Arguments that intrusive developments might save poor, regenerated
land that has lost any pristine quality, abuse the idea that land can
regenerate by emphasising the past misuse, seeming to rationalise
this as being the proposition that can support further 'quality'
abuse. It is enigmatic, a confusing argument that is apparently meant
to distract and muddle; demean.
pattern of development applications is becoming much the same. In
spite of this transparency, governments are doing little to ensure
that quality and meaningful applications are made. Governments seem
to collude in the game. Indeed, when matters get too hard to justify,
the conditions are then set out – as many as are needed. Indeed,
governments often boast about the numbers of conditions that have
been included in the approval, as if number again was significant.
Two trite conditions with an approved application can be recalled:
the truck had to be registered; the driver had to have a license!
Still, conditions are always described as being 'World Class,'
'World's best practice,' and the like. It assumes that the world is
not destroying itself, when it is. The conditions, of course, will be
supervised by 'engineers' who will be the ones to finally determine
the outcome that is never defined. Why should 'engineers' be best to
'engineer' our world when so much destruction has already happened
under their watch? The game is, apparently, to approve anything that
governments want to be approved, which it seems are most
applications, with heaps of conditions that will never be implemented
or supervised – and if all fails, it will be 'a one off' issue that
is being addressed with a 'World Class' response! Governments and
ministers have true gall; few guts!
'World Class' act
is all about blurb and jargon. It is a worrying development with
development applications that seem to have few guidelines; and if
there are any, they are usually poorly framed as town or regional
plans for the area that can be interpreted willy-nilly by all involved
to achieve whatever outcome is preferred. The call for public
objections has become a step in a process of ticking boxes. The
objections might as well be placed into a box and discarded, such is
the lack of consideration given to them. They probably already are!
No matter how many objections there are, and of what quality they
might be, if a project is to be approved, it will be. There are many
cases where projects are approved prior to any public notification.
There have been applications that have been assessed by Council in
detail prior to any public notification! Is this collusion? It is
becoming a farce. Some ministers now invoke rules that allow all
processes to be avoided. A recent solar farm proposal in Canberra was
approved by the Minister with conditions. The argument was that it
was for the 'greater good'! It seems that this process might as well
be openly introduced for all developments instead of lying to the
public with the same latent processes being used. The recent approval
of the Instrument Landing System for the Gold Coast Airport by
Minister Truss, a proposal that locates the flight path directly over
the length of the coastal strip, is a case in point. It is simply a
dopey decision; as is the Gold Coast City Mayor's approval of an
ultra- high rise building without any other Councillors knowing: see
Things become bizarre when flood plains are approved for apartment
blocks with conditions that there be rescue boats and food provisions
for when it does flood! - see:
How on earth is this implemented/enforced? Who checks the 'use by'
dates? Who runs the evacuation rehearsals when there is no water?
What is our profession saying about this mess?
far will governments go? We are in an era where anything can and will
be approved. It is a worrying time because with such open
manipulation available, there is always the concern of corruption.
Gosh, if our beloved cycling and tennis can be corrupted, what might
happen with our hated governments? Will development applications
always find a way to be approved? The answer seems to be a clear:
YES; and will anyone care? It does not matter if you do! Go away
silly boy!
does corrupt.
Robe golf course to deliver up to 150 jobs, developer says
Elise Fantin
2 hours ago
Project estimated to cost up to $30 million
Aboriginal Heritage education centre proposed
Plans for an abalone farm dropped
of an international standard golf course near Robe in south-east
South Australia say it could generate up to 150 full-time jobs and
add $17.5 million to the state's economy.
State Government granted the proposal major project status in March
for the 425-hectare site at Nora Creina, 15 kilometres south of Robe,
have been released for public comment.
project is estimated to cost between $20 million and $30 million and
its proposal includes two 18-hole international standard links-style
golf courses, a club house, accommodation, cellar door, wellness
centre, wagyu beef farm and an Aboriginal Heritage education centre.
Justin Scanlon said 25 full-time jobs would be created during
construction and up to 150 jobs once complete.
that can be greenkeepers, maintenance, retail, chefs, cooks,
cleaners, security," he said.
plans included an abalone farm but this was scrapped despite years of
spent many years doing that, but when that was finally approved we
had the GFC in 2008 and people just didn't have the appetite to
invest in that," Mr Scanlon said.
Kungari Aboriginal Heritage Association wrote to the State Government
in 2014 expressing concerns that significant cultural and historical
sites could be lost if the development went ahead.
Mr Scanlon said a cultural heritage survey had been carried out and
Aboriginal midden sites located.
been asked to manage those and make sure that we keep clear of those,
which we have," he said.
Scanlon said while the links golf courses would be the major
drawcard, he wanted to showcase more of what the region had to offer.
doing an Aboriginal Heritage education centre, we're doing walking
trails, we're doing bird watching," Mr Scanlon said.
got four kilometres of coastline.
will drive a lot of guests to come up and see the golf course. But
then they will go to the Coonawarra, they'll go to all those other
places around there."
have also raised concerns about native vegetation that would be
cleared for the site.
a lot of people don't realise is that land was grazing land right
down to the beach in the 50s, 60 and 70s," Mr Scanlon said.
has recovered to a certain extent but that land is not pristine land.
What we want to do is obviously improve the land. There's a lot of
exotics and weeds."
public meeting with developers and representatives from the SA
Department of Planning and the District Council of Robe will be held
in Robe on February 17. Public consultation closes on March 11.
NOTE: The Robe proposal is used here only as an example of a 'typical' development application. No further implications should be drawn.
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