Sunday 3 March 2019


It is becoming the standard, almost cliche first response: “WOW!” It could almost scripted as a part of the real estate TV programme, Escape to the Country: “WOW!” - “WOW!” every time a house is seen, a room walked into, a view exposed, a detail revealed - “WOW!” The monosyllabic exclamation is the comment, the response to verbal introductions and descriptions on TV and radio: “WOW!” It is a classic casual everyday verbalization to simple occasions and events: “WOW!” - to news: “WOW!” - the a new dress: “WOW!” - to a report: “WOW!” It is used for anything and everything. “WOW!” seems to have taken over from “COOL!” Sometimes it is used in conjunction with cool “WOW!” - “COOL!” It is such a common response that one wonders if it is now shaping our world, giving everyone the expectation that things will be or should be, must be “WOW!” Is this why our new architecture is so “WOW!” in the extreme: “WOW!” - “WOW!”?

It is a serious concern that we might all carry the expectation that everything should be “WOW!”, that otherwise it is nothing – not even “COOL!”

It is certainly the aim in events like the Sydney Mardi Gras. Here “WOW!” is everything and expected, even more - “WOW!” - “WOW!” - “WOW!”

But aligned with this event are other ambitions that participants make very clear:
“Express your individuality.”

“Shine your light.”

“Everyone can be themselves.”

Does this give the “WOW!” world its context, that it all has to do with the individual ME expression?

The art world has indeed become just this; and architecture too: “WOW!” The situation concentrates on self-expression, ME and MY feelings, life, perceptions, interpretations, stories; just ME, ME, ME. Maybe this is the basis of the meme?

If we are to know ourselves and our “WOW!” world, then we must come to understand the problems with self-expression, how society can disintegrate when everyone is concentrating on themselves alone; seeing self as centre.# Once people spoke of self-centredness as a narcissistic problem. It still is: social media is only fragmenting the world by heightening the N.B. (nota bene - note well) of ME. We will have to change if we want to seek an art and architecture that can resonate with communities and hold them together. Indeed our mental and physical well-being will rely on this; will demand it.

So what might be a response other than “WOW!”? That quiet, sonorous richness of modest awe that enlivens and strengthens hope and love is a more positive understanding and experience than the divisive “WOW!” that relies on jealous difference, feeds envy, and stimulates desire. “WOW!” isolates and separates as it drives appetites. We need art and architecture, expression that can bind, both personally and communally.

The synonyms of bind are interesting: gird; attach; tie; confine; restrain; engage; oblige; obligate.
All of these synonyms suggest what we should be doing instead of seeking “WOW!” Consider, for example, the unsettling Calatrava on Teneriffe, how it does no binding, but lots of “WOW!”

An architecture that girds, attaches, ties, confines, restrains, engages, obliges, and obligates is different.

On the qwerty keyboard the S is just below the W. The “SOS!” needs to be sent out rather than the perpetual “WOW!” if our souls are to be saved. We need to consider the words: gird; attach; tie; confine; restrain; engage; oblige; obligate, and wonder “HOW?”, rather than yell out a mindless “WOW!”


7 March 2019
It seems that the world is fragmenting with its concentration on the individual. This change appears to have reached an extreme in what has now been termed the ‘autosexual’ - see:
One hopes that the naming of this condition does not ensure its manifestation as a popular, common, ironically communal circumstance.

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