Casino development adjacent to freeway.
The massive dark tower in the foreground is the new government 'power tower.'
What is the view of the 'rear' of this scheme, from George Street?
Old George Street, Brisbane.
Parliament House is in the distance; the Treasury Building is on the right.
The zone appropriately became the government precinct of the city.
The ghosted form in the sky is the new government 'power tower.'
The adjacent buildings are a part of the casino development.
Parliament House is on the right, out of sight.
The hype appears to
have settled down, so one can now think about the concept of the
casino proposal for Brisbane without the promotional push blurring
feelings that can stimulate a variety of emotions tending to the
irrational extremes of 'like' and 'dislike.' The scheme needs
careful, clear, objective thought, free from the emotive surges that
One can see why the
proposal is seen by some as a great thing for Brisbane. The money
spent so far on the elaborate and extensive PR must put a smile of
faces in the advertising industry, suggesting that this might only be
a precursor for much more profit once the project is completed.# Alas,
this involves self-interest. What does the scheme really offer
Brisbane as a city?
The recently refurbished 63 George Street where two existing properties were amalgamated to form a Green Star rated complex
Is the recently refurbished 63 George Street property involved in the casino development?
(Author architect)
In spite of the
material that has been published, little is actually known about the
project beyond some overall artist's glossy impression. It seems as
though the scheme is to be built in what is currently known as the
government precinct in George Street, on properties presently
occupied by the Neville Bonner Building in William Street, Blocks A &
B of the George Street Government Office Block, and the Executive
Building. These three buildings have all won awards from the Royal
Australian Institute of Architects.* Other properties on the opposite
side of George Street might also be involved. The precise scope of
the scheme being proposed is unclear, ill-defined, as are the
financial details. Does the government propose to sell this land off,
to give it away, or to, perhaps, lease it? What are the arrangements
that have been discussed with the developers? Will this core city
government precinct become casino freehold?
View from Queen's Park on the left down William Street.
The government 'power tower' is in the background.
What is the impact
of this change of use? One might understand that the new 'power
tower' in William Street – see:
will provide accommodation for all of the departments currently
occupying the buildings that are to be transferred to the developer
to be demolished; or just demolished prior to any change in
ownership. While one can be critical of this move on the town
planning basis that it concentrates a large number of government
employees in a very remote corner of the CBD, on a very small,
contained site beside the freeway, and between an exit and entry
ramp, far from any public transport except the ferry with its limited
connections, the greater concern is the perception that government is
giving way for the casino: that casino interests have 'bought' the
The casino rules!
The great irony of eye-catching glitz neighboring to the necessarily less ostentatious government and parliament buildings.
This image could suggest that government is being kept 'in the dark.'
In the city
experience itself, with the day to day, everyday use of place, it is
the glitzy casino that will be the neighbour of government and the
gateway to its offices. It is not a good look. It becomes even more
sinister when one views the towers in the proposal, and sees how the
government's 'power tower' forms a part of the casino high-rise,
high-flyers set. The location places the government literally in the
hands of the casino. One could cynically suggest that the casino would be handy for the politicians.
The government 'power tower' on the right is ghosted in to appear as a part of the casino set.
The proposed casino
site is opposite the Recreational Precinct of the Southbank
Parklands, just upstream from the Cultural Precinct of the Performing
Arts Centre, the Art Gallery, Museum and the State Library. The
location gives the casino proposal a civic dominance equal to the
status of these other places in the city, and to that of government
itself, its neighbour. Indeed, the casino scheme might surpass these
identities, dominate them with its bright, exaggerated architectural
bling, that, a night, will create an eye-catching glow that is
planned to attract customers like moths to a candle. The casino is very
likely to command the region and have this presence highlighted by
its becoming, on George Street, the gateway to the Botanical Gardens,
Queensland University of Technology and to Parliament House. Brisbane
is likely to be envisaged as a 'casino city' with this civic hub
knitting together this inner-city region of Brisbane.
Good neighbours?
What does the casino look like form this angle with Parliament House in the foreground?
The gateway to Parliament House, QUT and the Gardens?
Where is George Street?
Where are the other buildings in the city nearby?
Now this may not be
a problem. Places like Monaco and Macau thrive on such perceptions;
but Brisbane is not such a compact place, nor does it have such a
singularity of function in its identity and purpose. Brisbane is the
largest city in the world – it has the greatest area under the
management of one municipal authority. It is not much to boast about.
The city spreads for kilometres with a sprawling, scattering of
suburbs and smaller commercial centres reaching out to the perimeters
of adjacent city zones. There is little chance that it could ever
become a unique 'casino city,' but there is the possibility that the
casino development could loom large in the remembrance of place,
overpowering all other perceptions; clouding its reading as a
pleasant, sub-tropical habitation. Does the city really want this
distortion? The State and the city might like the dream of the money,
but there is no guarantee of any success. What might happen when the
casino interests pull out? Will this core site become a composite
The casino development becomes the anchor of the city of Brisbane.
The images all show the scheme form the river or from a detail perspective point in the project.
What does it look like from the north when seen in the context of its neighbouring city structures?
Great cities of the
world avoid such overwhelming dominance of interests. Consider
London, Paris: these places have an intertwining of significance that
enriches the city as a whole without creating a singular,
over-riding, controlling identity or density of intrigue. Brisbane
has something of this framework of older places, although its lack of
concern with heritage buildings and its keenness to promote
'progress' does change things significantly. The opportunity is for
the casino to be located elsewhere so as to re-invigorate another
place in the city without transforming the government precinct that,
as a structural, civic idea, does fit nicely into the city zoning.
Why has this possibility been ignored? What other sites have been
reviewed? Why were they rejected?
Old George Street.
The proposed casino site is in the top of the photograph.
Roma Street train and bus station is out of the image on the lower left.
This rendering illustrates the government 'power tower' on the left with more confidence.
Trees conceal the freeway in this rendering.
Consider the visitor
experience: arrival at the airport; then, after the hassles of
immigration and customs, off to the hotel/casino. Where? How? The
George Street site is remote from all existing integrated transport
services. Only the river ferry is nearby, with a flashy, new terminal
in 'discount' orange: Jetstar and Easyjet come to mind. What has the
colour to do with Brisbane – just warmth? One recalls old ferry
pontoon experiences, the bouncing ramp; the swaying pontoon; the
timber rails used as a seat; the breezy fresh air; the rain; the
water splashing; the step up and over into the ferry: gone! This
ferry terminal is accessed from below the freeway. It was a grim
space to approach. Originally the access to the previous pontoon was
through a one metre wide path between security chain wire fencing
around government car parking areas. It was horrid. How is this going
to be bettered? Even so, our visitor is at the airport that has no
immediate relationship with the river traffic. There are trains,
buses and taxis, limousines too if one has a preference for these. The George Street location is accessible for taxis and limousines only. Central Station is hardly central, being located on the western
fringe of the CBD, well away from the proposed site. The Roma Street
bus and train station is at the western end of George Street and
offers no convenience at all for casino access at its George Street
site that is blocks away. Brisbane has no well-serviced Marienplatz core like
Munich; or a Place de la Concorde like Paris. The proposed casino site is not easily accessed at all; nor is it central to anything but to the
convenience of 'free' government land that is to be vacated.
The freeway remains a dominant feature of the area in spite of the illustrated green zones.
Perhaps the casino
would be better located directly at a transport hub if it is to be
such an attraction? Why not enhance convenience and develop the
casino over the nasty expanse of railway yards at Roma Street,
directly adjacent to train and bus access, and to taxis too: and to
the new park there. It would make much more sense than being
developed in the government precinct, a location that is not really
desirable for any business, commercial or recreational centre, but is
perfect for government. Its proximity to Parliament makes it an ideal
government zone. Its remoteness from the CBD does likewise.
Governments are best kept off to one side, out of everyone's face.
Unfortunately, the 'power tower' puts it right back there.
Shopping centres - but where are they?
With the likely
dominance of the hyped casino identity, what impact will the project
have on the existing CBD and its businesses? Today, one can already
see the mall as an empty space, a void, that is becoming more and
more cluttered with development. The new two-story cafe/bar at Albert
Street sets a terrible example of overcrowding, breaking the
continuity of the public area for private interest. Why would folk
hang around this space when the casino offers a greater fascination and
variety of attraction all under the one roof? One needs to know much
more about the casino proposal in order to be more articulate, but
just the report that says that the Treasury Building is to be
remodelled into an 'upmarket' shopping centre causes much concern.
Envisage the bright lights and big brand names of a large,
air-conditioned airport departure area, full of shops and people
milling, searching expectantly for the surprise purchase; then consider the
mall and the existing outlets. The impact of the new is likely to be
severe. A city of Brisbane's size has its limits on shopping outlets,
especially when cheek by jowl. The danger is that the casino and its
associated services and outlets will be like the cliché
shopping centre on the fringe of a town: it will suck the energy out
of the older place; kill it. Brisbane is likely to develop a ghostly
heart with a cancerous growth on one side, right next to parliament.
Is this the intention? It could be otherwise.
The Treasury Building fitted out as a shopping centre.
How much refurbishment can an historic building take and still maintain its integrity?
The glitz and gleam of the casino hype will dominate the river.
There is a strong
argument for the casino to go elsewhere; for it to enliven another
place that needs it. It could disperse, gather and re-invent civic
energy in a way that would make the city throb. Such a location would enrich the place, add vibrancy, rather than relocate and distort it
to suit the casino's needs and ambitions. Government has to consider
the proposal not only as a dollar game, but as a serious piece of
infrastructure that can make the city glow as a whole, not just in
part or artificially. One need not begin arguing about the morals of
gambling. This has nothing to do with the consideration here that
concentrates on the impact of the George Street proposal on the city
Where's the freeway? Where's the freeway plume?
The illustrations of
the casino proposal to date all play down the freeway. If the casino
really wants a riverside place, why not Hamilton, on a site free of
any freeway, close to the airport and river traffic? The freeway will
always be noisy and polluted; these vehicular ways do not change
unless they are buried completely. Government knows from the
development of its own offices adjacent to this traffic artery that
it gives off a toxic plume of gases. Will the sky deck be a health
risk? Will the buildings be a death trap? It is incredibly difficult
to manage the presence of a freeway. These structures have the
classic, dim, grim, below-bridge spaces that always look decrepit, as
well as the distraction, the noise and pollution of thousands of cars
an hour passing, in this case, right next to the casino. Do casino
patrons really want this unhealthy distraction? Are the developers
cynical enough to know that patrons get placed in totally artificial
environments so that they lose all sense of time, making the freeway
a non-issue: buried people, not freeways? Noise and pollution travel:
will the sky deck really be the 'desirable' place it has been
illustrated to be? Will it become a distraction for our public
servants in their 'power tower' that seems to overlook it?
The freeway gets buried in the glow of reflections, but the cars, the noise and the pollution remain.
Parliament House
The bridge extends the impact of the casino development across the river.
What does it connect to and why?
There are many
matters that cause one much concern when the casino proposal is
reviewed. More needs to be known about this development so that one
can be specific and precise on all aspects of it. Why is it kept such
a secret? One has to be concerned that there is so much bright,
hopeful and colourful hype in the PR that suggests that everything
will be great for Brisbane – just what it needs. If this is truly
so, why limit information? The worry is that the detail might not be there; that the proposal is being approved as a diagram alone, like Gold Coast developments: see - That such an important portion of the city
might get handed over to developers causes much anxiety. It creates the
image of Brisbane only as a 'casino city.' The river vistas will be
dominated by the casino that even has its own bridge pointing to it,
right across the centre of that portion of the river that has, for
years, been left open for the annual river festival. Why tolerate
development in this area of the river now; why bifurcate it? Is it
casino pressure that is encouraging this? Can the casino see itself
as becoming the anchor of the fire festival? We need developments
that will create good neighbours, appropriate neighbours; that shape places that
make all others better, not projects that move in and dominate for their
own special interests. In nature this is like the Indian Mynah bird
moving into a region and killing off, frightening off all the native
species. Brisbane is not there for casino developers. Brisbane needs
to properly manage such 'predatory pests' if it is to survive with
pride and dignity. It must look after itself before it rushes ahead
blindly listening to all of the agreeable, dreamy, 'if-only' blurb
that could turn out to be a nightmare. Brisbane needs a rigorous plan
that can be achieved rather than responding happily on an ad hoc
basis to any suggestion that might pop up: WOW!
Old Queen/George Street intersection.
What does Brisbane want to be?
![]() |
What in particular does the bridge link? |
We need to know
Exactly what is the
scope for this project?
What properties are
to be given/transferred/sold to the developer?
What are the legal
and financial arrangements for property?
What accommodation
is to be included in the project?
Have alternative
options been considered?
How is transport to
be organised for the scheme? . . . . .
What is the full extent of the area to be developed?
Exactly what is going where?
This list of
questions has by no means been exhausted. As more becomes known, more
questions will need to be asked. The proposition here is that the
casino will be better off located elsewhere. There has been no
argument otherwise, just hype on hype of why it has to be and,
surprisingly, will be! - see
In the end, believing in hype is just too easy a fantasy. We need to
confront the tough questions with openly considered and thoroughly
thoughtful, honest responses.
23 November 2015
Not much has changed:
Famous controversy
raged when the local community heard of this proposal in early 1999
(to let Baywatch use Avalon as a permanent location). On one
side were those who scented opportunities for profit in the business
a large television production unit would bring; those who liked the
idea of promoting the charms of Avalon to the world; and the local
surf lifesaving club, chronically short of money, whose clubhouse had
already been refurbished with Baywatch help
(and the promise of more to come.) Those opposing it had resented
what they saw as an attempt by Baywatch
to take over the beach, aggravated by the perceived high-handedness
of Baywatch staff
during the previous year's filming.
Leone Huntsman Sand
in our Souls The Beach in Australian History Melbourne
University Press 2001 p.87-88.
LETTER SENT TO THE EDITOR, The Courier Mail 23 November 2015:
LETTER SENT TO THE EDITOR, The Courier Mail 23 November 2015:
Now that the
Department of State Development has reached what it calls
'contractual close on the $3 billion Queen's Wharf Brisbane
Integrated Development' with the Destination Brisbane Consortium, one
has to aks: what exactly has been agreed to? The information released
by the Department tells us that 'the destination Brisbane Consortium
– The Star Entertainment Group (formerly Echo Entertainment
Group), Far East Consortium (Australia) and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises
– is now the contractor responsible for delivering the world-class
tourism, leisure and entertainment precinct in the heart of the
brisbane CBD;' and that 'site works are anticipated to commence in
It seems that there
are many details that remain unstated. Exactly what has the
government agreed to on our behalf? Are we entitled to know? There is
the matter of 'more than 12 football fields' of prime inner-city land
involved in this agreement. How is this being managed in the
contract? There are five government buildings, three of which are
award-winning structures. What is happening to this twentieth century
heritage? There are reportedly: 'five new premium hotel brands; three
residential towers; a new department store; around 50 food and
beverage outlets; a new pedestrian bridge to South Bank; an iconic
signature “Arc” building, including a spectacular feature Sky
Deck; a riverfront moonlight cinema; and a Queensland Hotel and
Hospitality School partnership with TAFE Queensland' that will be
included in the project. How are these handled in the contract? Why
can we not be told?
Then there is the
money: $272 million to go the State; and a guarantee of $880 million
in casino taxes for the first ten years of operations. What happens
after this? It seems that these figures are based on an additional
1.39 million tourists per annum that will bring $1.69 billion
increase per annum, (a figure that, interestingly, is equal to the
estimated weight in pounds of cigarette butts discarded per annum),
that equates to a total of $4 billion to the Gross State Product.
Where did these figures come from? Are they a part of the contract?
What else is included? What is not included? How long does this
contract run? What happens if these estimated figures are not
achieved? There are many more questions that need to be responded to.
These are staggering
figures that can be better understood if they are broken down to
manageable, everyday pieces. Assuming that the $272 million is a
one-off initial payment, on a daily basis, the other figures break
down to: $240,000 taxes per day for ten years; 3800 extra tourists
each day (about 10 extra jumbo jets a day); bringing an annual
increase of $4.6 million from tourists per day ($1200 per tourist per
day); giving a total of $11 million per day to the Gross State
Product. Are the figures correct? For how long? Just what has the
State agreed to? Do the 'increases' allow for the losses others might
incur with such a large-scale development? Can one be sure of such
optimistic predictions?
While there are many
questions needing an answer, it is the matter of this Queen's Wharf
Brisbane casino development becoming the dominant core of the city of
Brisbane that is most concerning. The Department of State Development
information says that the project 'will be the hub that connects the
defining parts of the city – the Botanic Gardens, the Queen Street
Mall, the Cultural Precinct, South Bank, the Parliamentary Precinct
and the Brisbane River,' as if this was a sensible strategy. The city
can have its casino development, but giving the prime riverfront city
centre, the existing government precinct, to casino developers to
create the city's 'hub' that will have dominion over everything
around it, even parliament and the river, is a serious act that
borders on planning foolishness. That our government sees no problem
with its new tower becoming a part of the set of high-rise structures
in the casino development must be a cause for concern. Alarmingly,
the tower is on land that is included in the defined development
area. The appearance is that the casino developer has the government
in its hands.
Has it? Who knows,
because everything apart from the hype seems to be a secret. Will
Brisbane become known as the 'casino city'? There is every
expectation that it will when the Department of State Development is
happy to promote the development as the new hub of Brisbane's civic
place - the entry too the Parliamentary Precinct and to the new
government office building; the George Street entry to QUT and the
Botanical Gardens; the city icon linked by bridge to the subservient
South Bank Parklands and the Cultural Centre; and the core anchor for
the Queen Street Mall: Queen's Wharf Brisbane - casino city?
And if it goes
Spence Jamieson
5 December 2015
5 December 2015
KunstHausWein Taschen 1999, p.51
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