view of proposal adjacent to Story Bridge, Brisbane
The Brisbane City Council organised what it labelled an
‘Advisory Group’ meeting to discuss town planning and design issues with local
professionals in 2002. It was an initiative that sought to expose problems and
develop some constructive strategies to improve both processes and outcomes.
Like the Subtropical Forum (see Subtropical Urban Design Forum
this event took place over ten years ago. The response published here was sent
to the organisers. It is worthwhile reviewing it today as it does highlight
problems with planning processes that still seem worthy of consideration, not
only to know where we have come from, but how we might have attended to these matters
over the last ten years.
Ebenezer Howard (1850-1928), the 'father' of modern town planning and the 'garden city' movement
Thank you for the invitation to attend the discussion on the
Town Plan and the Design Advisory Group. I find that on such introductory
occasions I attend to collect information, ponder on my experience and develop
a position by reverie and reflection rather than just stand up and speak on
whatever comes into my mind in the present moment. Of course, this is no
criticism of those who do! I have for some time now been closely involved with
the Gold Coast Town Plan and its application at Springbrook and Burleigh. I
will use these experiences to identify the problems as I see them, as my work
in the State Government has, at least up to this stage, not been heavily
involved in local planning issues. The examples are my interpretations/understanding
of my experiences that have been expressed previously. It appears to me that my
interpretations are rationally established from my involvement in these
matters. Others might have differing understandings, but the logic of the position
can still make sense if only by way of example with a ‘what can happen if . . .
. ’ question.
While the Brisbane Town Plan may be free from all the
problems I read into the Gold Coast Plan and its implementation, the advantage
in using the Gold Coast Plan as a reference for complaint is that it is not
directly complaining to the BCC. Perhaps this might come later. My concern is
that matters should be managed objectively rather than dragging up issues that
have been a particular professional concern to any specific office or
individual. Snippets of this position arose in the discussion that evening. It
always makes the objective position more difficult to clarify.
The idea to collect my thoughts and make a presentation on
Town Planning issues as I see them came to me after attending a seminar on
planning presented by the Gold Coast planners. I have asked the organisers of
this series presented in Brisbane to give me time to present the planning
position as seen from the ‘other side’, and have formalised this request in a
submission that gave an outline of my presentation. No response to my request
has ever been received. This seems to be one of the problems with planners:
they appear not to be interested in the real outcomes or the implications of
their decisions; rather they seem to love to live in their hypothetical ideal
world of words, charts, schedules and diagrams. It seems a little like the
experts that spend their lives in the theory of construction contracts.
Everything sounds fine until it comes into practice; and even then their
‘expert’ solutions to every problem remain in the world of dreams. And the
reason? – things are always much more complex, interwoven and diverse – and
more ephemeral – than any analysis, prescription or conjecture can ever
rationally define. This is one of the concerns with any plan, and indeed, with
any judgemental group.
Yet it seems that some of the most loved cities in the world
did have precise rules for development. The traditional 5 to 7 storey height of
Paris, Barcelona, Munich and Milan, for example, gives a fabric, scale, texture
and density that make each place special in its own particular context and
history. Perhaps this is because it has been so well enforced? I recall the
story where, in Barcelona, Gaudi was forced to reduce the height of one of his
projects in order to comply with the regulations. It is a problem I will talk
about later. San Gimignano’s apparently ad hoc towers offer an alternative that
is equally beautiful. But even mentioning these will give rise to interjecting
possibilities and complexities that one cannot develop here. Our difficulty
today is: how do we learn to build with some integrity and responsibility? It
is interesting to ponder that our problem may indeed be spiritual, requiring ‘a
nobility of purpose and a refinement of expression’. It is a point that I will
not labour, as it is such an unfashionable position that it is aggressively
pushed aside in favour of easier, smarter, more ‘rational’ analysis.
On my Gold Coast critiques, one may wonder why I have not
taken these matters up with the Gold Coast City Council rather than raising
them with the BCC by way of example. Over a period of ten years, I have raised
all matters of concern with the GCCC both by way of personal representation and
in lengthy written submissions. It was interesting on one occasion when I met
with the head planners, that they described themselves as 'artists'. I
suggested 'bullshit artists' might be appropriate, highlighting the odd mix of
idealism, compromise and neglect that has been experienced over time.
The Springbrook experience has been one that has stretched
over many years. My involvement in Springbrook is through the
Springbrook/Wunburra Progress Association Incorporated. I am presently
president of this Association. Over the years I have been involved at
Springbrook, there have been numerous planning applications for development and
various reviews of planning documents - strategic plans, development control
plans, local area plans and the town plan. The Association has made detailed
submissions to the GCCC on all occasions. The Association has also lodged
objections to many developments and has taken the GCCC to court when it
approved a golf course in this water catchment area. Unfortunately this has
only aggravated relationships. The Association is now labelled an irresponsible
‘trouble maker’ rather than having its’ input seen as a genuine critique, with
intentions being only to maintain good outcomes in accordance with Council’s
own plans. This aggravation is supported by some in the community who have not
made the fortunes they hoped their proposed development applications might
Generally the pattern of development applications on
Springbrook seems to have been, from our perspective:
The developer/applicant meets with the local member and
planning officials of the Council, along with a private professional planner if
one is involved. Prior to this the developer/applicant may have met with the
local member on site. The meeting with the Council officers generally discusses
the proposal and its particular potentials and problems, and devises ways to
facilitate the application if it is seen to be generally acceptable or
desirable. If it ‘stretches the limits’ or goes beyond the Town Plan and is
still seen to be desirable, (often for unstated reasons), the Council officers
formulate ways whereby it might be seen to be interpreted as being able to be
accommodated within the Town Plan or any other useful document: ‘Oh! I see now.
It’s not a restaurant but a cafeteria. That’s different!’ when it is the very
same application - earlier rejected - that is now supported, perhaps by the
‘recommended’ planner collecting a fee of some thousands of dollars for a
supporting report. It is interesting here to note that because of the seemingly
vague drafting of the legal planning documents, one document is able to be used
to promote something that may be excluded or disallowed in another.
After this inaugural meeting, the developer/applicant makes
the submission to Council. Sometimes it has been reported to us that Council
officers give advice to developer/applicants on just which Town Planning
firm/individual could be (should be) used to help prepare the formal
application if one has not already been appointed. This Association has seen
applications that openly describe the Planning Officer as the 'collaborative
designer', suggesting that officers sometimes become very much involved in the
making and shaping of the proposal that will eventually be assessed by him/her.
On receipt of the application and the starting of the
process where public objections are sought, Council has found ways to counter
objections apparently to ensure that the commitment or advices given in the
early discussions are indeed the outcome. The first method seems to be for
Council to encourage, (or to have others encourage), submissions that are in
favour of the project. It appears that because Council had to address serious
issues raised in the objections, it determined that a submission supporting a
project could be accepted as a ‘positive’ objection. This turned the public
submissions into a numerical game that could be analysed as ‘x’ in favour, ‘y’
against – the ‘x-s,’ that can seemingly always be organised in sufficient
numbers, have it. This calculation seemed to take no account of the substance
of the document, with a simple, almost inarticulate, ‘I’m in favour’ note
holding as much importance as a carefully structured analysis of the weaknesses
of the application.
Once this process has been implemented, the serious points
raised by the ‘negative’ objections are then confronted. This process seems to
seek out ways of negating these important points. This appears to be managed
either by way of argument (you are wrong) or by way of ‘conditions’ that are
framed with the apparent intent of overcoming all objections. In this way the
Council can be seen to be responding to the serious matters but can still
approve the scheme in accordance with the early advice given at the first
meetings. It is like a fake ‘win-win’ scenario that is actually a ‘win-lose’:
Council wins; ‘negative’ objectors lose again.
These conditions can take various forms: they can be
conditions that require precise actions ‘to the Engineer’s satisfaction’; or
they can spell out solutions to the particular problem identified in the
objection. It seems to be a way of designing a framework that can alter the
application without incurring the need for any new application. Indeed, new
applications of ‘corrected’ documents are very rare, even with serious errors
in applications. Council decrees everything to be satisfactory.
The project is then approved. If the developer is serious,
then the project goes ahead to completion. That the various conditions are part
of the approval seems to matter not at all. They are left to the ‘Engineer’s
satisfaction’ that seems to mean nothing in practice other than Council will
approve it.
After the project is up-and-running, Council seems to care
little for the actual details of the conditions and appears to have no way in
which to ensure they are complied with; nor does it seem interested in
enforcing these conditions. That an approval for a children’s camp becomes a
motel, and a conditional water transport approval becomes ignored in nearly
every detail only seems to cause Council (once it has been pointed out) to meet
with the developers and seek a way to modify the conditions. That this can
occur privately without any need for public consultation appears to offer a
gaping loophole in the planning controls. The outcomes of prior public comment
can be manipulated to suit Council and developer in private agreement without
public knowledge.
It is all a very unfortunate process that appears to be able
to avoid any and every awkward planning restriction. It is the initial strategy
that becomes the blue print for the scheme – the scheming? Planning needs to be
much better than this. If it means that the process must become segmented to be
managed separately by individuals without any necessary connections, and that
Council and Councillors must withdraw from the process that becomes managed
properly under the strict guidance of the Town Plan and other documents, then
this should be implemented.
This means that Town Plans and the other documents must be
more precise and must become less ambiguous so that the political ambitions do
not interfere with the planning intentions. What this can be seen to be is a
call for a separation of powers at the planning level. The Plan should define
everything that needs to be known so that developers can put submissions to
Council that can then review the submissions without any need for cosy
arrangements, private advices and manipulations.
The previous GCC Council CEO described this process by way
of justification as a ‘learning process,’ arguing that developers were naïve
and needed the guidance of Council officers to ensure the process could achieve
the best outcome. I see this as the CEO ‘spin doctoring’ the situation. It must
be commented that the ‘collaborative designer’ did not stay in his position
very long after this was pointed out to the CEO; but then neither did the CEO!
It seems that one can only remain critical in silence about these matters as
one might try to theorise about their cause.
I did mention that there were Burleigh experiences with the
Planners also. This involved a property on Burleigh Hill that had been
subdivided for many years but was never developed. When the workmen suddenly
appeared on site one day with bulldozers, I wondered about the mature trees.
The workmen showed me the plan. The earlier subdivision proposal had been
altered without public notice to include an extra two blocks, all rearranged to
have seven in a group title and three as separate, freehold blocks. The group
title blocks gathered around a private road that ran along a boundary. The plan
showed that the whole block was to be totally cleared. After a day of agitation
that involved the media and many discussions with Councillors, Planners and the
Australian Conservation Foundation, it was only after an appearance on the
local news that evening that the CEO telephoned and gave assurances as to the
tree clearance, (it would be minimised), adding that Council would insist on
planting three trees for every one that had to be removed for house
construction. This also meant that the road on the boundary was to be shifted
to avoid a stand of some thirty mature trees. Subsequently it turned out that a
young planner had approved the tree removal for this development but had never
visited the site.
The tree clearing went ahead, the road was moved and the
‘landscaping’ took place at the very end of the process. During this time
Council had to be regularly prompted to ensure that trees were protected. More
trees than agreed were removed because of ‘safety’ reasons. This meant that
trees over thirty metres tall were taken out rather than insisting on any
modification to the plans in order to keep them. In spite of the ‘tree’
regulations, there is always an excuse to take trees out.
The real surprise with this development is just why it was
allowed at all. Council has rules and restrictions about developing steep sites
that seemed to be being ignored. It was only with one development at
Springbrook that Council realised that subdivisions did not have to be
advertised for public comment. Subdivision approvals could all happen within
closed walls. Prior to this occasion, subdivisions were advertised. Council has
apparently been happy to continue with ‘private’ approvals.
And the lighting? Planners had never thought about this and
gave assurances that the lighting would be low level. No, it has gone in as
normal street lighting.
And the homes? The Development Control Plan for the Hill
makes it clear: homes should sit on the hill, not stand high on stilts. Nearly
every house stands on stilts.
And the trees? Maybe one could agree that at least one plant
went in for each tree that was removed, nearly as agreed, but these are not
large trees. But some of these plants have died and have not been replaced.
Nearly all the new plants are ‘decorative’ rather than native trees.
So again we see Council as having all the best intentions,
(after being placed under pressure), with no way of ensuring that these
controls are indeed achieving the dedfined outcome! And building approvals seem
to go ahead without any reference to other bodies. One house at Springbrook was
approved on a site that was the subject of a previous planning application, but
was never amalgamated with its neighbouring block. The commercial development
was carefully structured only on its own parcel of land, leaving this other
block, that was a part of the original project proposal, undeveloped. Council
missed this subtlety – opportunity lost forever. Council’s ‘plan’ has gone
So in spite of all the Plans, this steep Burleigh Hill site
has been cleared and developed in a way to suit the developer. The block of
land that was the designated ‘park’ required for the subdivision has been
planted with fruit trees by the neighbour who has colonised this property that
is too steep to walk upon safely, let alone run or play on it. It is
interesting to note that the DCP for the Hill lists the plant species that
should be planted. Not one of the plants placed on the site is on this list!
Councils must do better than this. If there are plans they must be enforced,
otherwise they can be seen as mere political white wash, (hog wash?), to allow
anything to happen with the boast that there is the Plan. It could very well be
one with a ‘red herring’ status.
Generally this review/critique on GCCC planning procedures
has been described by way of a ‘what not to do’ scenario. There are probably a
range of experiences that need to be exposed for review, because it is only
with the understanding of the weaknesses of the processes that one can respond
appropriately – that is, hopefully, sorting out the problems so that the
process is entirely open and transparent with all the rules for action being
understood and respected by all. It does mean that Councils need to be very
articulate about futures and real outcomes, and be skilful enough not to remain
simplistic and totally prescriptive. The ‘Paddington’ lattice and ‘old house’
image used to promote contextual relationships is too prescriptively narrow.
Open rules for action are needed: rules that can modify and manage outcomes
without having to make cities boring and stodgy, or historical replicas. We
need good plans and good intentions, or else all these old problems will
continue unabated, allowing anything to occur. The rules of the lateral
thinking type are a good model to try to explain possibilities, like the one
that wants factories to dispose of all waste upstream. Imagine the impact on
vehicle output if the waste gases had to be disposed of at the very front of
the vehicle near the air intake. We need to be able to allow anything to occur
within a strict set of open rules that are managed with rigour and commitment.
Then even the most critical and outspoken detractors might be happy!
Note that such ‘Design Advisory’ committees are really
not in place to manage the critics of this world. Nor are they there to modify
architects ‘visions’ – blame Ruskin and Pevsner for this! Both these giants
taught us to see ordinary buildings as being different to architecture; that architecture was 'something added.' Such
committees are really there to manage the awful, careless work that seeks only
maximum gain for minimum effort and outlay. If there is a vision, it needs to
hold some integrity beyond crass commercialism. Modified visions are the other
source of concern, where developers grasp an idea and mash it up to suit their
profit - making nightmares out of dreams.No response was ever recieved to this communication. Good planning still seems to be confronted with the same problems that thrive on clichės, words and the intrigues of power.
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