Wednesday 16 May 2012




 Le Corbusier's 'canons' at the Monastery of Sainte-Marie de La Tourette at Eveux, France are memorable, but ask a colleague what the three colours of these skylights are. The most common repsonse is: yellow, red and blue.

The actual colours are white, red and black. The colour of the ceiling that the canons stretch from is blue and the wall below is yellow. It seems that the memory of the yellow wall and blue ceiling lingers longer than the actual colours of the interior surfaces of the canons of light. Black is the last colour one would expect to be in a skylight. Blue seems to be selected because it is dark; yellow because it is stark. The red is remembered accurately.

The other question is: what is the check in the concrete beam for - not the larger recess, but the small nick that looks like a birdsmouth in a timber rafter? It is on the elevation of the courtyard wall that faces west, near the entrance.

The check seems very deliberate as it appears again in the same alignment on the outer eastern wall, adjacent to the main entry bridge. These seem to be the only ones in the building.

What is it? What are they for?

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